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Canines for Change testimonial – Jill Ford

Alfie has impacted the students at Willow Ridge in many ways. Here are a few:
• Helps students get out of cars in the morning when they don’t want to come to school.
• Listens to students read and practice their Math facts.
• Listens to students as they talk to the counselor and helps to give a calming environment.
• Gives students opportunities to feel good about themselves as they learn to walk with Alfie and interact with her in an appropriate way. (Students who get breaks during the day can choose Alfie if they want).
• Brings a smile to students’ faces when they see Alfie walking down the hallway.
• Get to hang out with her at recess and get to pet her a lot.
• Helps students who are struggling to have something that they can smile about.
Alfie impacts the staff by making them smile and she entertains them with her antics. We have hard days too and she brings a calmness to our hearts in this trying time of teaching.

Alfie impacts the community overall by making them feel good. Wherever she goes she is recognized and parents and students alike have to stop and pet her and talk about how thankful they are that she is a part of the Willow Ridge Community. I am the staff member that she impacts the most since she lives with me. She has brought so much joy and laughter to our home with her silliness and lovable nature.

Jill Ford
Fourth Grade Teacher
Willow Ridge Elementary

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